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Welcome to Our Dedicated Members Page at 

GR International!

Enhance your business relationships and bolster your visibility through this exclusive page. Discover tips to optimize your GR profile, join our Facebook group, access special offers, and much more.

Leverage our platform to expand your network and stay at the forefront of your industry. We are here to provide guidance and support.

For any inquiries, please contact me at

Or even better, schedule a 20-minute appointment with me.
Dannny Couturier, ​Partner & Vice-President GR international ©

​​​​​​ Visibility + Credibility + Relationships = OPPORTUNITIES

Your visibility, business networking starts here.

 Complete your profile 

See how to complete your profile on the GR International website. 

Please note that it is important to complete your profile within 14 days.

  VIDEO                      "PDF" PAGE

▶ Exclusive Seat

Explanation of the exclusive seat.       VIDEO  

▶ GR Logos

English: G = Great R = Results.      → PAGE
Use our logos for visibility on LinkedIn, Facebook and other media.     

Join GR Facebook and LinkedIn

Maximize your referencing, as well as your notoriety by joining our page and groups.      → PDF

Your credibility, be a GR expert.

▶ Your GR Offers

Upload your offers and promotions online. They will be accessible to members and Internet.

▶ Your Business plan with GR

The tool is intended to be used when planning your year of business networking with GR International. 

▶ Networking TIPS 

Become the ultimate professional networker. Become a first class networker.

▶ Your minute

The important information you need to have in mind in order to prepare your speech

Vour relationships, discover the GR website. 

 References (REF),CompletedTransactions (TC)

What is a referral (REF) , a completed transaction (TC)  and Business generated (BG). Updated 04-2023.                                                                            4 minutes → Video

 How to find, GR Site

Find members, locate groups and confirm your presence. See upcoming events and presentations. Updated 01-2023.

▶ Referrals 

Establish a bond of trust and a basic principle for referring and being referred.

▶ GR Credits 

Refer future members to us and receive $25 in GR Advantage Credits for each new membership. Updated 01-2023

Here is the procedure to follow in case of absence.
My GR account changes request
Transferring to Another Group, Modifying My Subcategory, or Transferring My Account to Another Person - I have recently changed my field of activity and need to revise my entire account.

Please complete this form in consultation with the relevant individuals.
Request a modification to my customer account (group / sub-category / to another person)
Group insurance with GR

Get group insurance starting from just 2 employees.

Today, we are reviewing the group insurance offered by GR International. Group insurance provides numerous benefits for employees and employers.
Group insurance has never been more accessible thanks to GR International.
Obtain group insurance starting from just 2 employees and/or partners, owners, or shareholders.
It is important to note that GR International's group insurance can only be implemented with one of our active memberships.
Available exclusively in Canada.
→ I'm interested.



ideas and to evolve


 creativity, self-confidence and notoriety


your knowledge and connections


to be noticed, supported and to surpass yourself 




Offer your customers a wider range of services, commitment, expertise and benefit in return from a better loyalty of  your clients.