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Fundamental Principles and Tools for Effective Management of the Board of Directors at GR International: 
  • Mastery of planning and conducting meetings. 
  • In-depth knowledge of our tools for optimal use. 
  • Enhancing the productivity of Board members in relation to their responsibilities.

FORMS; ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ & ⑥

Add a GR event (launches, open houses, group gatherings, etc...)
Start a new group / under the GR head office approval
REQUEST BOARD, member of administrative committees group change
Request a modification to my customer account (group / sub-category / to another person)


Justified absences

Excellence Mention Template
Highlight the achievements!

Board of Directors Tasks
See your tasks over time.

ZOOM Support

ZOOM (Breakout Rooms)

How to prepare an upcoming event 

14 days before
How to be prepare for you next event! 14 days before it's crucial to invite and be ready. Tips and tools for a guaranteed success!

1 week before

Make sure to have engaged yourselves in inviting people to visit your groupe. More guests, more people, more opportunities = more money and more success.

24 hours before

It's the last big effort to do, but you are there. Don't forget to confirm all visitors because people forget! More members = More opportunites!

Last step

It's crucial to sign up and communicate with non member as fast as you can, in the next few hours and preferably before 24 hours. Make sure to re invite people that did not show up.






Board in action

Each role has specific tasks before, during, and after meetings to ensure their smooth execution: time management, visitor reception, information collection, and group promotion. 

The focus is on internal communication, adherence to GR International's rules, and a structured follow-up to support the group's growth. Here are the roles and their actions during meetings.

Conduct of Meetings: In-Person vs. Virtual

Effective meeting conduct is essential for ensuring productivity, engagement, and clear communication. 

Whether conducted in-person or virtually, meetings must follow a structured approach to achieve their objectives. 

Role of the members of the Board of Directors (Board) 

Board members should meet monthly to discuss issues or planning for their group. This can be done before or after a meeting (we suggest a short meeting of no more than 15 minutes). Following this meeting, share the information via the "Monthly Board Meeting" form so that GR International and/or the District Manager can assist you in your efforts.

Members who obtain these seats, will be for 12-month terms, will benefit from additional visibilitý within their group by sitting at the head table during meetings as well as strategic positioning at the top of the group's page on our website. 

A board member may not hold more than one position.

Members who have served́ on a Board of Directors, for a minimum period of 90 days, will receive a potential discount of up to 30% upon renewal with GR International for the position of President and a maximum of 15% for other Board positions.

Please note that involvement, attendance, recruitment and group development are all factors considered for the discount. Discounts are prorated based on time in office. A Board member cannot receive more than one discount even if they hold more than one position) 

  • Actively recruit new membersfor its group in vacant areas of activity, according to its availability.
  • In case of absence, make sure to be replaced and notify promptly of your absence.
  • Support the registration of new members and the renewal of existing members.
  • Assist guests wishing to become members to complete the web registration form at the end of the meeting. 


  • Ensure that guests are well taken care of as soon as they arrive in the room.
  • Supervise and animate with energy all meetings.
  • Transmit to the district manager or GR international documents, changes or pertinent information concerning his group. 
  • Set an example for your group, be the best recruiter, the most energetic, show your leadership skills.
  • Actively recruit new members for the vacant business sectors in his group, depending on availability.
  • If the President cannot attend a meeting, he must be replaced by the Vice-President and promptly notify of his absence.
  • Propose and approve a candidate for the vice-presidency in order to maintain good collusion for the management of the group. 


  • Enter the meeting information on the Formstack available in the member section.
  • Obtain complete visitor information to enter on the Formstack
  • Collect, if applicable, amounts related to participation fees in various activities, monitoring group budget and fundraising campaign.
  • Help guests who wish to become members, complete membership webform at the end of the meeting.
  • Plan and register on GR website, ideally 4 meetings in advance, topics of the 20-minute presentations for the GR toolbox.
  • Register events for the group in GR website
  • It is important to submit the form within a 1 hour delay following a meeting


  • Coordinate guests for their visit and prepare the group to receive them well.
  • Send a welcoming word to guests as soon as it is confirmed. Use GR international communication models. 
  • Be present 15 minutes before the start of each meeting.
  • For face-to-face meetings: Ask for 2 business cards from each guest and before the start of the meeting, give 1 card to the President to help greet guests and 1 to the Secretary-treasurer.
  • Virtual meeting: Information is requested by the Secretary-treasurer 
  • A non-member cannot visit more than once in our network.
  • Ensure the application of GR policies concerning representation by field of activity if applicable (respect for the seat exclusivity)
  • When setting up events by a group, such as; launches, open houses, group gatherings and other events, the application of GR policies regarding representation by business area (respecting exclusivity of seating) do not apply.


  • Replace the President in his functions if he is absent.
  • Assist the President during meetings.
  • Manage the time allotted to the different sections of the meeting (welcome, GR toolbox, news and minute of presentation).
  • Recruit and oversees the other Board members role.


  • Ensure that member’ profiles are completed within 2 weeks of joining the group.
  • Ensure that the welcome letter is received for new members. 
  • Ensure the information on the group page is valid and updated.
  • Refer members to the correct section of the website as needed and requested.


  • Self-promote your group, by posting wanted seats, GR toolkits and your events as well as your members via social networks/media and on your GR group. as well as your members via social networks/media and on your GR group. 

Election process for Board members 

  • Only members of GR international can be assigned to a position within the Board.
  • Board positions or interim positions can be attributed by a District manager or by Head Office.
  • The President or interim board can proceed to have an election for the Board positions and complete the webform following the elections to advise Head office of any changes.
  • Members can apply on all available positions.
  • A candidate is elected by acclamation if he or she is the only candidate for a given position.
  • A member leaving the Board may re-apply in order to continue his mandate.
  • In the event of 2 or more candidatures for a post, the other members vote for the candidate of their choice by a show of hands or by secret ballot.
  • In the event of a tie, a second round of voting by secret ballot is suggested.  The votes will then be collected and counted by the Secretary-treasurer.
  • In the event of a second tie, a draw will determine the successful candidate.
  • In order to resign from a position, the member must provide a letter of resignation to the Vice-president 4 weeks in advance. 
  • Election process held between January 15th and February 15 of each year (if the election is held less than 90 days after the creation of a Board, you can by unanimous vote renew the same Board for the current year).