🎙️ Hello everyone and welcome to your GR news for the week of February 23, 2025.
Today, we're going to talk about two essential topics to boost your success in business networking. First of all, build your business plan – an essential strategic tool offered by GR International.
Building your business 📝 plan
Are you looking to clarify your goals and maximize your opportunities? Good news: you can now access our business plan directly on the GR International website, under the Business Solution tab.
👉 In the drop-down menu on the left, click on "Build your business plan". This guide has been completely revisited this year: it is simpler, faster to fill out and above all, designed to help you succeed in business networking.
And that's not all! At the end of the plan, you will have the choice to benefit from a personalized analysis of your business plan. You have three options:
1. ✅ Yes, I want my business plan analysis
2. ❌ No thanks, not at the moment
3. 📞 Contact me, I'd like to know more
Take a few minutes to complete it today – after all, your success starts with a clear vision of your goals ! 🚀
🙏 A big thank you to our partners and our sponsor of the week. This was your new GR, I'm Danny Couturier, Vice President at GR International.
We look forward to seeing you next week for a new edition of the new GRs. Until then, build your plan, maximize your opportunities and above all, remember: your networking success starts here! 🌟
#DannyCouturier #GRInternational #PlanDAffaires #Reseautage #ClubDuVicePresident