Hello everyone, and welcome to your GR News for the week of August 11, 2024. Today, we'll be discussing the much-anticipated launch of our Happy Hour Tour and the crucial importance of respecting the flow of GR meetings.
Let's start with our 5 à 7 tour. What a night it was in the beautiful city of Quebec! This tour is not only an exceptional networking opportunity, but it also embodies the spirit of community and collaboration that defines GR International. I had the pleasure of interviewing three of our partners and chatting with several friends on-site.
If you haven't yet had the chance to attend one of our events, I strongly encourage you to do so. We'll be hosting an event in the Ottawa region in September.
Now, onto our second topic: the importance of adhering to the meeting schedule. This is essential to ensure that every participant can fully appreciate and engage with the GR International format. First and foremost, we ask that you respect the sequence and the 90-minute program.
The structure of the meeting is vital for maintaining the high standards across all GR International gatherings. By doing so, we ensure a balanced experience between presentations, networking, and action.
A well-structured agenda is the key to delivering a great experience for all members and participants.
Thank you to our partners. This was your news for the week. I’m Danny Couturier, VP of GR International. I look forward to seeing you next week for another edition of GR News.
#DannyCouturier #GRinternational #Networking #5to7Tour #ProfessionalMeetings