
Blog by Danny

GR business news September 10th 2023

By Danny

This week's GR news highlights the significance of efficient networking groups. Successful teams, particularly at GR, prosper not merely due to resources or member count, but largely due to active and functional boards of directors.
2023-09-10 17:24 - Comment(s)

GR business news September 3rd 2023

By Danny

International Business Networking One world, one network, one family! https://www.grinternational.com See our PARTNERS offers and Advantages https://grnouvelles.zohosites.com/offers-and-advantages

2023-09-03 21:38 - Comment(s)

Nouvelles GR de la semaine, 3 septembre 2023

By Danny

Retour sur l'événement 5 à 7 de la grande tournée de Gatineau.

2023-09-03 21:36 - Comment(s)

GR business news August 27th 2023

By Danny

New address for GR's head office, 1510-300 Place Charles-Le Moyne Longueuil, Quebec Canada J4K 0C2 

Next event in Gatineau for more information. https://www.grinternational.ca/evenements/index.php?c=QXo4TmpVSXN5czRNS0FHY1V6SGN5NlNra3c9PTo6NjQ2ZjEyZDI3ZmQxZWEyMzIzOGFmNDI3ZmVjODA5NTE 

Open Ho...

2023-08-28 07:53 - Comment(s)

Nouvelles GR de la semaine, 27 août 2023

By Danny

Nouvelle adresse pour le bureau chef de GR, 

 1510-300 Place Charles-Le Moyne Longueuil, Québec Canada J4K 0C2 

Et retour sur notre dernier 5 à 7 de la grande tournée de Laval. Prochaine événement à Gatineau pour plus d'informations. https://grnouvelles.zohosites.com/La-grande-tourn%C3...

2023-08-28 06:16 - Comment(s)