Blog categorized as GR News of the week

GR weekly news February 26, 2023

By Danny

Hello to all of you, I would like to welcome you to your GR new for the week of February 26, 2023. Today we have two topics on the agenda: toolkits and your monthly board of directors’ meetings. Thank you for your attention and we hope you find these topics useful.
2023-02-26 14:43 - Comment(s)

GR weekly news February 19, 2023

By Danny

Invite a non-member to visit an international GR group network-wide and automatically receive $10 in GR credits after visiting the group! As a bonus, you will receive $25 in GR credits if the visitor becomes a member
2023-02-18 15:47 - Comment(s)

GR weekly news February 12, 2023

By Danny Our new Business tool International Business Networking One world, one network, one family!
2023-02-13 07:06 - Comment(s)

GR weekly news February 5, 2023

By Danny

GR weekly news February 5, 2023 Invite a non-member to visit an international GR group network-wide and automatically receive $10 in GR credits after visiting the group! Club Med Ixtapa Pacific November 11 to 18, 2023.
2023-02-05 21:32 - Comment(s)

GR weekly news January 29, 2023

By Danny

International Business Networking One world, one network, one family! See our PARTNERS offers and Advantages
2023-01-29 23:44 - Comment(s)